Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Second Day

I had a coversation last night about our economy and what is going on. I find it very interesting that not one person running our government has any common sense.

They keep giving away money to companies that should be filing bankruptcy and restructuring. While the middle class is suffering immensely. Why are they not giving back some of the money that we have given them through taxes? Where the hell is the common sense? They should have a package put together to give each citizen, based on the taxes they have paid over the years, a REAL stimulus check. People are not spending and won't. Therefore, the economy will stop. It is somewhat of a boycott. Ofcourse, these individuals are not financially being hurt, yes the people we elected to run our government. We are paying them huge amounts of dollars to help, yet they refuse to help us. They blame us for being unresponsible, yet these companies have set sales goals for their employees that gave credit away. Telling people it was good for them. Why not have it posted for the world to see, that we the people do not agree. It is somewhat simple to fix it, if just we had people with COMMON SENSE rather than political and financial greed.

Just a simple common sense point of view. Any comments out there?

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